How to create modal and popups using HTML5 dialog

The <dialog> makes it very easy to create popups and modals on a webpage. Bellow I will show how to use dialog element to show alerts on a web page.

If you click "Show Popup" button a most basic dialog will appear, with no custom css just plain html and browser defaults.


This is a dialog popup which uses HTML5 dialog element.

See the Pen BMazry by Raj Kiran Singh (@rudrasofttechllp) on CodePen.

showBasicPopup function adds an open attribute to the dialog element which display dialog on the screen. Dialog's position is based on where it's code is placed on screen.

To hide a dialog element you just have to remove the open attribute.

Now lets change the look of this dialog, make it fixed and centered on the page.


This is a dialog popup which uses HTML5 dialog element and custom css.

See the Pen aXbmzQ by Raj Kiran Singh (@rudrasofttechllp) on CodePen.


As of now all major browsers except IE and Edge support dialog element. To use dialog element on IE or Edge you would have to import a polly fill. Check the pollyfill here dialog-polyfill.