How to Convert Unicode Character to HTML string

Use function provided below to get HTML code for a Unicode String. Its quite useful when you want to write characters outside ASCII limit.

public static string GetUnicode(string unicodeText) 
int unicodeVal = 0; 
string encoded = ""; 
foreach( char c in unicodeText) 
unicodeVal = Convert.ToInt32(c); 
//Debug.WriteLine(c.ToString & " : " & unicodeVal.ToString) 
if((unicodeVal >= 49) && (unicodeVal <= 122)) 
//in 'ascii' range x30 to x7a which is 0-9A-Za-z plus some punctuation 
encoded += c; // leave as-is 
// outside 'ascii' range - encode 
encoded += String.Concat("&#", 

return encoded; 

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